
For Junior & Adult LTA competitions you will need a British Tennis Membership.

To sign up for free

LTA Graded Competitions 

Competitions are for all levels from our Australian Open Matchplay to Prestbury Open and the school Games.

Please sign up to for free LTA membership require to play events 

    grade 7 starter events e.g. u8 starter event & adult doubles fun doubles

    These events are designed to get players with a fun element to the competition. For juniors the rules will be explained on how to score and often have umpires to help keep score

    grade 6 imporver events e.g. matchplays & play your way to wimbledon

    For These events are designed to give players of all levels a go at competing. ‘Matchplay’  events are organised to give players a chance to play players of a similar ability and are matched up on ability / age. All the rules will be explained and players do not have to have any match experience , generally players have had some form of coaching and understand the basics of tennis copmetition

    grade 5 events e.g. team tennis & local tour

    These events count towards your ranking points. These are competitive and friendly and give players within a club a chance to play other players from other clubs as players from across the northwest are known to travel to these events. Players need to be experienced in matchplay .

    Players excelling here will then move up to enter grade 3 an above events i.e. national tour / Cheshire county championships