Train your brain as well as your body. Mental Tools to help improve matchplay


Top Tips for Improving your Mental performance in Tennis

The challenge is to keep your mind in the present moment and not get carried away if you are winning and not to dwell on a run of bad form. So here are some ideas to help you improve your mental performance, train your mind like you do with your body.

  • Goals set before a competition . How far are you likely to get in a comp or in a league ? What is it going to take to perform at your best in the event ?
  • Goal set before a match. What tactics are you going to use to beat your opponent ? What metnal skills will be reuqired to perform at your best ?
  • Shout the score or keep the score in your mind in between points .
  • Play one point at a time do not think ahead
  • Straighten your strings in between points to reduce or
  • Take 3 long breaths in between points
  • Positive body language. Stand tall do not let your head drop
  • Remember it is a game enjoy the experience it is not life or death